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Sunday, August 20, 2006

Search Swicki

I added a search feature at the bottom of this blog.

Please try it out and let me know what you think.

It's a "learning" and "trainable" search engine.

Compare to Google.


Phillip Minden said...

Concerning your question: If you're looged in at your statcounter account, there are several possibilities. You can click on your "project", then on visitor paths on the left. This will show you the time and location of the people you visited your blog as well as from where they came, if they didn't simply enter . In case they came from a search machine, you see the address. As a rule, you can see what the search terms etc. were, and if this is difficult, you can simply click the address and so get to the same search (which might yield different results meanwhile, though).

This doesn't work if people switched the feature off in their browsers, which you can do with Opera, for instance. Don't know about IE.

There are other possibilities to order the statcounter data.

If you have more questions, it might be easier to ask on my blog, so I'm sure to see it.

Phillip Minden said...

You said "I will have to get that statcounter thing", but I though you knew you had it - the number on the right above "Previous Posts"! Did that come with one of the features you added to your blog?

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